Monday, January 5, 2009

Bed Time Stories

So.. It has been a while since my last update. We had a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of fun, laughter , and surprises. My sister, Anna, came down with the twins and it was so fun to watch the magic of Christmas through an infant's eyes. I have some pictures to share.. but they are taking too long to download on my computer, so I thought I would share some things going on in our family. My girls are having problems falling asleep. I have always had this problem, and so I intend to ask if it is hereditary at my next doctor's appointment. But I digress. I started going into each of their rooms and laying down with them in their beds and we tell each other stories. Abigail feels she is too old for stories sometimes, so we just talk and laugh about her friends and I marvel at what a beautiful, intelligent, kindhearted young woman she is becoming. I started with Mary Rose last night and we both told the same stories to each other we always do.. Mine involved a prince and a princess and hers involved a nutcracker. We talked about her nutcracker and how it had a beard and a mustache. I asked her if she had a beard and a mustache and she honestly thought it was the funniest thing she ever heard!!! This took a while and I was getting tired. By the time I was finished, I just wanted to go to bed!!! Emma came out and requested a bed time story, I hesitated, but went, because I try to be a fair mom when I can. She told me this wonderful story about a princess who needed to learn a lesson about friendship. The characters were great and the plot was well thought out. I was so impressed!! I thought Wow!! I have the most talented daughter ever!! I told her we needed to write it down and make it into a book. She said, "Mommy, it already is a book!" she had told me a story she had read form a book. We both laughed until tears were running down our faces. This year one of my goals, among the many others I have, is to tell more bedtime stories and to listen to more bedtime stories. I need to take the time to laugh with my children more often. I need to let them be kids and I need to be humble enough to let them teach me what they know. I know they know I love them, but I also want them to know I LIKE them too and I love spending time with them. So... go grab a kid and let them tell you a bedtime story you may learn something!! Happy new year!! Love to you all, Dawn


Laura said...

I think that one of my goals should be not to listen just to bedtime stories, but any stories. Everytime my kids talk to me, it seems like I'm not really listening. Thanks for the inspiration.

Christine said...

Ethan loves me tell tell him pretend bedtime stories-Mario as the main character is his favorite!

JNew said...

Your girls will have such great memories of bedtime stories with mom!

Dave, Catherine, Chandler, and Callie said...

You've inspired me, Dawn. Thanks. I needed that.